India nuclear deal pushed - Washington Times
It's hard to guess how many nations will bare their nuclear arms before this decade is done. Perhaps more disturbing than the number will be the identity of those nations. The world already has been threatened by the nuclear saber-rattling of an Iranian Hitler and a North Korean Stalin. For Iran and North Korea, leveling the playing field with the U.S. and its allies may be a dream close to fulfillment. Other nations in Asia in Africa certainly are dreaming the same powerful dream.
There must be several former Soviet republics which still possess Soviet-era nuclear weapons. How many of them have resisted the temptation to quietly convert uranium to gold: an alchemist's dream, one that requires no science? How can they be expected to resist the temptation when now even the U.S. is openly forging a deal openly to trade nuclear technology for ...for what? Increased access to Indian markets? The U.S. will be perceived as selling nuclear technology in disregard of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. This will diminish the authority and value of the NPT. On what basis can the U.S. object to the nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea when it rewards India, who has for decades thumbed its nose at the NPT while developing and then testing nuclear weapons? The Indian deal will damage our ability to contain nuclear techonology through diplomacy and law, and will encourage our adversaries to heap contempt upon American non-proliferation rhetoric.
As second- and third-world nations race to achieve military parity with their more menacing neighbors, it will be increasingly difficult or soon impossible for the western powers to contain the genie any longer. Envy and hatred toward the U.S. and its allies will be fueled by the selective and self-serving attitude displayed by the U.S., which apparently is ready to pontificate against nuclear proliferation when it suits American interests, but is ready to subordinate such principles to economic interests at the whim of the administration.
Congress needs to dissect and examine this deal very closely, and consider very carefully whether the percieved benefits of this deal outweigh the very dangerous effects this deal may cause.
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