Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pro-life billboard ignites controversy

We'll see how long it is before the billboards and their sponsors are attacked by individuals provoked to teeth-clenching fury by this peaceful exercise of civil discourse and free speech.

After all, suggesting openly that it might not be good for parents to kill their children is an outrageous thought. And observing that the epidemic of elective abortion is a plague particularly in the black community is an offense sure to enflame the righteous indignation of those who, well, profit handsomely from killing the unborn.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Fukushima radiation levels

1) Fukushima Update

2) radiation risks -Wikipedia

3) Low Levels of Radioactive Material Begin to Be Detected Across Pacific -Wall Street Journal

Source 1 claims that a radiation level of 21.4 uSv/h (microSieverts per hour) was detected on 17 March 2011 at Fukushima City, 60km (~38 miles) west of the Fukushima Daiichi plant.

Source 2 claims that 100 mSv/yr (milliSieverts per year) are the "lowest clearly carcinogenic level".

Source 3 claims, "As a rule, doubling the distance from the source cuts exposure by a factor of four, says the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency."


1. 100mSv/year = ~11uSv/hour, which, accumulated over a year, represent a dosage at a "clearly carcinogenic level".
2. The 21.4uSv/h level reported at Fukushima City, 38 miles west of the nuclear accident, is approximately twice the "lowest clearly carcinogenic level". Note that this assumes a constant dosage at this level for an entire year.