Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Socialists wreck nations... are You ready?
Obama has clearly spelled out what he believes. He just doesn't talk about it on the campaign trail.
Just a week before the election, some of the Obama's paper trail is starting to get attention. But is it too late to matter?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
FoxNews names names in subprime mortgage scandal
See how these individuals were involved:
Congressman Barney Frank (D-MS)
Senator John McCain (R-AZ)
Senator Barack Obama (D-IL)
Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY)
Treasury Secretary John Snow
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan
Monday, October 20, 2008
Breitbart caught misrepresenting the facts
"While Chaput has won praise from traditionalist Catholics for stressing opposition to abortion as a foundational voting issue, voices on the Catholic left have sought to apply church teachings to war, poverty, the environment and other issues."
Where is the factual, impartial coverage?? This statement suggests that Archbishop Chaput's position excludes consideration of any issue other than abortion, which is a misrepresentation of Chaput's (and the Church's) position. The Church teaches that all these issues are important, but they are NOT all equally important. There is a hierarchy of issues and rights, and some are more foundational that others. Some are so important -such as those regarding the deliberate taking of human life- that they take precedence over secondary issues.
Is protection of the spotted owl really as important as protecting human beings from being deliberately exterminated? Both are important, but they are not equally important.
For example, it is because of this hierarchy of rights that our right to own private property does not include the right to make other persons our property as slaves. Individuals have an absolute right not to be treated as property. Such foundational rights set limits to secondary rights. These foundational rights deserve primary attention when we elect individuals to public office. Do they recognize and respect these certain, inalienable rights? If not, how can they be trusted to respect or defend any rights at all, and on what basis?
Breitbart... misrepresenting facts -whether through carelessness or premeditation- is not journalism, it's manipulation.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Quasi-socialist compares domestic socialist to foreign socialists
"Republican presidential candidate John McCain compared Barack Obama to socialist leaders in Europe on Saturday, saying his rival wants to raise taxes on the wealthy to give money to the poor."
This is very true, and one of the points that Mr. McCain needs to hammer energetically until the election, if he is to have a chance of winning. But it's a tough case for him to make, because his own policies are badly polluted with plans to "spread the wealth".
For example: his mortgage buy-out plan, and his health-care plan.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Warren Buffet: a good time to invest in stocks
Warren Buffet: "I can’t predict the short-term movements of the stock market. I haven’t the faintest idea as to whether stocks will be higher or lower a month — or a year — from now. What is likely, however, is that the market will move higher, perhaps substantially so, well before either sentiment or the economy turns up. So if you wait for the robins, spring will be over."
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Obama gaining support from felons, cartoon characters, and the deceased
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Obama caught on video: he intends to redistribute YOUR earnings
In response to a plumber who asked whether Barack Obama's policies would raise his taxes, Obama replied they would.
He continued, "It's not that I want to punish your success. I want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success, too... My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
Monday, October 13, 2008
What kind of man is Barack Hussein Obama?

Excerpt from Tom Roeser's blog posting of 10/9/2008:
- What sort of man is it who four straight times…as chairman of Senate Judiciary… killed the “Born Alive” bill in the Illinois Senate…thus depriving babies born alive from botched abortions to receive nutrition and medical care?
Answer: A craven, rudderless opportunistic trimmer with no fixed principles who has always placed his own opportunistic career advancement ahead of anything else including human life.
- What sort of man is it who sits in a church for 20 years while his pastor…his good friend…god damns the United States of America? And who then throws his pastor under the bus when it gets hot?
Answer: The same. A craven, rudderless, opportunistic trimmer with no fixed principles who has always placed his own career ahead of anything else including his once firm friends whom he later saw as impediments to his political career which he placed ahead of any other factor.
- What sort of man is it who buddies with an undisguised, unrepentant terrorist (who never apologized for bombing the Pentagon) and who used this association in the early days to advance himself by gaining a foundation chairmanship and other benefits-throwing Billy Ayres under the bus when it became advantageous…Axelrod, the Artful Dodger, declaring that Obama never knew of Ayres’ connection because Obama was 3 years old when Ayres bombed the Pentagon?
Answer: A craven, rudderless, opportunistic trimmer with no fixed principles who has always placed his political career ahead of anything else including his once firm friends whom he later saw as impediments to his political career which he placed ahead of any other factor-including love of country.
...End of excerpt.
No man who would repeatedly deny protection to babies who survive "unsuccessful" abortions can be trusted with presidential power: the power to enforce or disregard law, to appoint justices, to wage war, to formulate public policy. Such power should only ever go to a person who understands the highest purpose of government is to protect the inalienable rights of every human person at every stage of life... even those with no vote and no money.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Believe the anger, John

"...McCain advisers dismissed the crowd's angry tone as an exception and not representative of most of the campaign's events."
Senator McCain, You should heed that anger and dismiss those advisers who downplay it. Anger and a desire for justice are profound and widespread, and are focused especially upon those in the Congress and executive branch who brought about this economic collapse. I don't think this flash of anger is a fleeting thing that can or should be glossed over. It signals something of greater significance, something that will not dissipate without being addressed.
A sleeping giant has awakened to find his house in shambles, plundered by pirates. He's not likely to be appeased by some token tax cuts while chaos reigns. His fury will drive him neither to rest nor relent until he halts the rape of the nation's wealth, prosecutes the pirates, and restores order to his home.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
The cost of socialist policies
For years the federal carrot and stick program -mortgage lending guarantees coupled with the class-baiting dogma that minority home ownership was "disproportionately low"- pressured lenders to make loans that they otherwise would not have risked making.
Once this engine of capital redistribution was in place, it was ripe for exploitation.
Lenders milked it for quick profits. High-risk borrowers milked it for more expensive homes than they really could afford. Congressmen milked it for votes, campaign contributions, liberal credentials, and sometimes favors of an even less savory sort.
Numerous lenders permitted the irresponsible federal policy and opportunity for quick profits to override good judgment. They made millions of high risk loans to borrowers, and neither lenders nor borrowers seemed really to care whether the loans could or would be repaid.
Lenders weren't overly concerned about this, since federal loan guarantees meant that ultimately the lenders weren't gambling with their own money. The government saw to it that these these loans were purchased from the lenders, their true risk camouflaged, and the resulting toxic investments funneled back into the economic food chain. A time bomb was formed and its fuse lit by a combination of bad government policy, market forces, greed, recklessness, and even fraud on the part of government officials, lenders, and borrowers. The default rates on these loans was enormous, yet the engine roared ahead unchecked.
The socialist dogma used to justify such widespread, high-risk lending was that if some individuals can't afford to buy homes, then it is government's job to force others to subsidize the cost of providing them. Such heavy-handed meddling in the lending market meant that many bad borrowers would receive loans, and this diversion of capital meant that many good potential borrowers were denied loans, while others simply paid more for the loans they obtained.
Now the time bomb has exploded. Banks are collapsing, people are losing homes, and the radius of destruction expands. Predictably, congressmen blame their opposing parties. But let's not waste time blaming each other, they say: It's time to fix the problem! Yes, the federal government, rarely content to leave bad enough alone, has stepped in with another scheme: Let's reward the guilty and punish the innocent with yet another gigantic redistribution of capital, controlled by our new demigod, the Trillion Dollar Czar.
The show's far from over. John McCain, supposedly the more conservative of our two presidential candidates, now has suggested that the federal government should go further to "stabilize the housing market", buying up homeowners' failing mortgages and replacing them with new "manageable" loans, as decreed by some magical process to be administered by bloated bureaucrats inhabiting some new bloated bureaucracy. Undoubtedly these will include many of the same meddlers (and their disciples) who brought about this current crisis in the first place.
Yet history shows that government schemes to control or "stabilize" market prices of any commodity -including homes- almost always cause far more harm than good, and prove to be giant failures and destroyers of wealth due to their unintended negative consequences. (For an eye-opening explanation, see the classic "Economics in One Lesson", by Henry Hazlitt.)
This plan, if adopted, will be an unmitigated disaster on top of the current disaster which is already unfolding.