Saturday, February 28, 2009

Obama to require health care providers to violate their conscience

ABC News: Obama to Rescind Bush Abortion Rule

Obama's new policy will require health care providers to provide controversial services that some find morally objectionable, even when providing the service violates the moral convictions of the provider.

A legal guarantee that such services are available is about to be elevated to a legal requirement that compels people to violate their conscience. This is a terrible precedent, and will further erode the moral fabric of our country.

Monday, February 02, 2009

NBC trashes pro-life ad featuring Obama

NBC trashes pro-life ad featuring Obama -World Net Daily

To: Victoria Morgan, vice president of advertising standards at NBC Universal

Dear Ms. Morgan,

NBC's decision to reject the ad, "Life -imagine the potential", is most disappointing and reflects badly on NBC.

I've seen this ad and was impressed by its positive message.

NBC's explanation that it would "not allow advocacy ads" rings duplicitous in light of its position toward PETA's ad. It invites people to conclude that NBC's advertising policies are really subject to a political agenda.

Shame on NBC. Two thumbs down.